FORCAST 1958 SPACE REVIEW This offering is one of Hugo Gernsback's Christmas Greetings and a very important one it is, for in the year 1957 came the arrival of the space-age - man's first satellite - Sputnik is successfully launched and put into orbit.This forty-two page booklet reproduces the artwork of "Amazing Stories" artist Frank R. Paul on virtually every page, illustrating a myriad of subjects such as Atomic Planes, Martian Flying Saucers, Weightlessness, Space Ships, and many other topics.
I have a complete set of these little booklets. I can put them on CD in Acrobat if anyone is interested. $10 each including postage in the US>
I’ve recently published a new 900-page biography about the life and times of Hugo Gernsback. It is available on Amazon. Just follow this link:
The manuscript was found while I was in the process of closing down Gernsback Publications Inc. in 2003. It was apparently written some time in the 1950’s. It covers all the areas that Hugo found interesting: wireless communications, science fiction, publishing, patents, foretelling the future, and much more.
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